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Time Management Guidelines: How to Prioritize and Enhance Productivity

SET YOUR GOAL-(Achievable)

The first thing that you can do to manage your time and enhance your productivity, SET YOUR GOAL, whatever type of work you are doing it can be personal professional or it can be short-term or long-term goals you need to set a goal, and it should be achievable.

On the other hand, you should know about time management, time management is the process of planning and controlling how much time to spend on specific activities.


Time Management Guidelines: How to Prioritize and Enhance Productivity

You know in your busy schedule you will get lots of work, then you need to know which work is more important and urgent. Organize everything according to importance and urgency. For Example, just look at your daily task and determine which are:

  • Important and urgent:- Do that all work right away.
  • Important but not urgent:- Decide when to do that work.
  • Urgent but not important:- Delegate these works if possible.
  • Not urgent and also not important:- Set this work for later.


Have you ever considered setting time limits for completing tasks? It can actually help you become more effective and focused. Plus, by taking just a few extra minutes to determine how long each task will take can help you spot potential issues before they become bigger problems.

For Example, let’s say you need to write five reviews before a meeting but you realize you can only complete four in the time available. By checking your time limits early on, you can easily delegate to someone else to finish up that last review. However, if you waited until the last hour, it can become more challenging to delegate the task and find someone who has availability in their schedule.


Do you ever find yourself feeling stuck and unmotivated when you’ve been doing one task after another without a break? Well, you’re not alone. It can be really tough to stay focused and energized when you’re constantly on the go. That’s why it’s essential to give yourself a little break between tasks to refresh your mind and body.

Time Management Guidelines: How to Prioritize and Enhance Productivity

Why not take some downtime to clear your head and recharge? Maybe consider a quick nap or stretching your legs with a short walk. Even indulging in a few minutes of meditation can do wonders for your state of mind! By giving yourself some much-needed downtime, you’ll be able to tackle the next task with renewed focus and energy.


Take a few minutes to jot down all your upcoming deadlines and milestones, as well as individual tasks that are part of completing a bigger project. From there, think about which days or times would work best for tackling each specific task.

For instance, let’s say you need to schedule a meeting to discuss a critical project, and it involves multiple people, including the company’s CFO. By checking your calendar first, you can instantly see when the CFO is available, and then dedicate that specific day and time to this critical meeting. Simple, right?

Time Management Guidelines: How to Prioritize and Enhance Productivity

By utilizing your calendar and mapping out your schedule ahead of time, you’ll be better prepared and more in control of your day-to-day activities. Plus, it’ll help you avoid any last-minute surprises, giving you more time to focus on the things that matter most.


Sometimes, we can find ourselves overwhelmed with so many activities and tasks to do. But, here’s something to remember: not everything on your to-do list is equally important.

One Best suggestion is to take a step back and determine what activities or tasks are genuinely necessary and significant. By doing so, you can start to identify and remove those non-essential items from your list.

By removing those excess activities or tasks, you’ll have more of your time freed up. That way, you can focus more on those essential activities or tasks that truly matter, without being side-tracked by anything else. So, why not take a moment to evaluate which activities or tasks could be removed, and give yourself more time for the most essential things in life!


After learning lots of things about time management now you will be able to handle all the work wisely and if you go with our points you will definitely have some extra free time in that free time you can plan in advance for upcoming work, or even after managing all the things you can also learn new skills if you want, as you know everyone has only 24 hours in this 24 hours some become Elon musk and some are still sleeping.

Surendra Gusain

Hi, I am Surendra Gusain founder-director of DOTNET Institute and a Professional IT Trainer, Digital Marketing Trainer, Youtuber, and Blogger with 23 years of experience in computer training at DOTNET Institute.

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